What I Want Out Of The New Year…

These are all things I can’t control, but I want anyway. Things you can control are called “goals.” Things you can’t control are called “wants.”  These are wants.

  • To sell a novel
  • To sell a nonfiction book
  • To find a regular writing gig – reviewing, babbling, etc. – Doesn’t matter if it’s a newspaper (Will there be any still published by the end of 2009?), magazine, or web site, just as long as it pays and is interesting work.
  • To get into at least one anthology
  • To do a podcast
  • To go to Bouchercon – I really regret missing Baltimore last year.
  • To go to New York, Chicago, or San Francisco at least once this year.

That’s what I want to do.  How about you?

7 thoughts on “What I Want Out Of The New Year…

  1. Jim, here’s a nonfiction/web book I think you could sell easily–“Building Web-Sites for Authors”–these types of books are really easy to sell, and should be able to be done by proposal.

  2. I want to shave a yak, build an ark and have one day with my kids fighting. i think the first 2 are more relistic.

  3. I haven’t even thought about it, and here we are 11 days in.

    I suppose I should try for Godhead. After all, I already feel like I’m being crucified. It can’t be that much farther, right?

  4. …I’m still stuck on the difference between goals and wants. What if it starts out as a goal (something I believe I can control) and factors beyond my control kick in. Do I need to re-classify it as a want? Is a want a wish list? Sorry…don’t mean to cause trouble…

  5. Dave – I could, but I’d need a decent portfolio to back that up. Which means I need to do some serious shilling for business.

    Honey – If you don’t mind me behind you with the laptop on your back, I’m game.

    Ziggins – You’d worry if they didn’t fight. They’d be plotting something.

    Bill – Try becoming the All Being, Master of the Time-Space Dimension. Then you should see Europe.

    Yen – I suppose a goal is something you should DO whereas a want is something you want to HAPPEN. I want to lose weight. That’s a goal. I want to get down to 240 pounds by the end of the year. Given that a lot of factors beyond my control or not well within my control could prevent that, losing weight is a goal though the actual weight is a want. Or you could just tell me I’m full of it and make up your own definition.

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